Prevent Rug Moth Damage
06/04/2015 Back To Blog
You might love your Persian rugs but moths love them, too. To be precise, it is baby moths that can cause damage to your expensive rugs and so you must be aware of the problem, take care of your rugs and make sure they are maintained properly. Grown moths won't hurt fibers but their presence indicates that the female ones will soon leave eggs on the back side of your rugs. Larva love eating wool rugs and damage is irreversible. You might ask why moths are found on your rugs in the first place. This is an excellent question and easily answered. These are just household moths, and the good news is that they love dark spots. So, there is room for prevention with good rug cleaning and proper rug storage.
Fight moth problems with good carpet cleaning
Moths like dark spots. So, next time you clean the rugs, remember to reach with your vacuum under the furniture and the darkest corners of your house. Since female moths lay their eggs mostly at the reverse side of rugs, it's good to vacuum the back side as often as the front side. It's also helpful to avoid placing heavy furniture on top of your oriental rugs because it would be hard to remove it, check rugs at the reverse side and you will also avoid creating dark spots for larva to eat the fibers away. If you don't know how to spot larva, look for powder-like dust at various spots and vacuum over them. If you want to be more thorough and reach deeper, you can use special products which are excellent for moth killing. There are pheromone moth traps, which will kill the male moths. Although female moths will still be alive, without males there will be no eggs and a month later the females will die, too.
These moths are usually brown in color and this will help you identify them if you see them flying in the house. This will give you an indication that there is a carpet problem and lead you into checking the possibility of a problem. Larva and eggs are often exterminated when rugs are frozen for a week but adult moths are not killed. The risk with such a prevention method is to damage the rug due to refrigeration and have issues with mildew. It's best to be avoided because apart from dealing with moths and larva, you must also engage in mold removal.